Adult Education & Job Skills Training

Basic Entrepreneurship Skills Training

The Basic Entrepreneurship Skills class is the first class in a series we are developing to help young adults who want to launch their own businesses. The class was first taught in 2020 on Zoom and covers topics including the skills and characteristics necessary for entrepreneurship, idea generation, how to recognize and evaluate a business opportunity, marketing and financing a startup as well as an introduction to writing business plans and pitches for potential investors. In 2022 we held a second class on writing good business plans. Our long-term goal is to create a small business development center at our training facility.

Haiti Share Bible School

Ulysse Lemite is our Pastor for Spiritual Development. In 2019 he, along with several others, launched the Haiti Share Bible School. This is a three-year program to train local pastors and church leaders for ministry. Classes meet all day on Fridays and include studies in the Old and New Testaments as well as a required internship in area churches. In March of 2023 our first cohort of eighteen students graduated.

Adult Bible Study

Pastor Lemite leads our weekly adult Bible study and prayer meetings at our training center. His goal is that participants would expand their knowledge of scripture and have a closer walk with Christ so that they can pray with increased faith and share the gospel effectively.
Weekly Prayer Meetings
Each week members of the community gather at the training center to pray for each other, their neighbors, and that God would bring peace and security back to their country. They also pray for all of the supporters of Haiti Share.

Occasionally we hold retreats for our Bible School teachers and young adult leaders that focuses on spiritual growth and on training the trainers.

Marriage and Family Counseling

Families have access to a support network of pastors, teachers and mentors who help them with life’s challenges.
Leadership Conferences
We have held several large-scale leadership conferences with between 450 and 500 leaders from the broader community. The purpose of these is to give leaders tools that they can take back to use in their homes, schools, churches and workplaces.

Adult Job Skills Training
We offer bimonthly seminars at our training center to prepare young adults with job skills and career preparation.
Topics include:
- Professional etiquette
- Resume Writing
- Interviewing Skills
- Budgeting
- Entrepreneurship skills

Classes in Technical and Practical Skills

We offer classes for the community in computer skills, computer repair, English and windows installation and repair.
Entrepreneurship Support
We provide microloans and small business start-up support. Gernine (pictured below) received a startup loan to lease some land and plant an orchard and garden.

Haiti Share Creations
Haiti Share Creations is made up of a small group of Haitian ladies who sew and crochet crafts to be sold locally and in the United States.