Please join us in praying for an end to the violence in Haiti and for security to return to the country. Pray for peace, political stability and economic opportunities. Pray for the safety of all who participate in our programs and for our team to be able to offer hope to their friends and neighbors.

• Share our story
• Display our current flyer, brochure or business cards
• Invite us to speak at your church or other organization
• Join our update list and share newsletters with your friends
• Teach a class or skill on Zoom
At this time, we are not recommending travel to Haiti.
Please contact cheri@haitishare.org if you are interested in any of these volunteer opportunities.

Sponsorships are available for:
- Elementary
- High School
- Trade School
- University

•All gifts are tax deductible
• 100% of your donations go to fund programs in Haiti, not US administrative costs
• Gifts can be given where most needed or designated toward the programs that mean the most to you.

Sponsor a Child
Primary school full support: $35 a month
Included: tuition, books, transportation
and food support
Duration: Normally 5 years
Secondary school full support:
$65 a month
Included: tuition, transportation
Duration: It normally takes 5 years to complete the 5 grades that make up a high school education in Haiti

Sponsor a Young Adult
University full support: $4,500 a year
Included: tuition, books,
transportation and food support
Duration: Normally 4 years
Trade school full support: $2,500 a year Included: tuition, books,
transportation and food support
Duration: Normally 2 years
I want to sponsor!
Why give to Haiti Share
Why Haiti?
- Young Haitians are hungry to know God better. They are eager to learn job skills. They have a deep desire to help their fellow Haitians and to lead their country out of deep poverty and into peace and integrity.
- A small amount of money goes further in Haiti than it does in the US. For example, our annual five-day Bible Day camps costs $15 per child for the whole five days including a morning snack, a full lunch and all other expenses. An education at one of the best universities in Haiti costs less than $5,000 a year.
- Haiti is our neighbor, and they are in great need.
Why Haiti Share?
- When you donate to Haiti Share, your money goes to build leadership that will help solve the problems in Haiti, not just feed the people for one more day.
- We teach and empower Haitians to do for themselves, rather than doing for them.
- We integrate Biblical principles into our leadership programs so that the faith and integrity of our trainees can grow and mature along with their ability to lead and to become self-supporting.
- We have an established track record of success, as evidenced by testimonials from those we have helped, as well as from leaders in Haiti and our donors.
- We are responsive to your questions and suggestions and we give you the opportunity to designate your funds to the programs that mean the most to you.
- 100% of your donation goes to fund programs in Haiti not US administrative costs

Donation Options
If you wish, you may designate your donation for a specific purpose, such as
children’s programs, scholarships, or entrepreneurship startup loans or general funds.
Auto Bank Drafts
Contact us for information about how to set up an auto bank draft.
Other Ways to Donate
Give matching gifts from your company, memorial gifts, bequests, stock, and donations to our endowment fund.
Contact us for instructions on making these types of donations.
Make checks out to Haiti Share, Inc. and send to:
Haiti Share, Inc.
P.O. Box 9208
Horseshoe Bay, TX 78657
Haiti Share, Inc. is a 501 c (3) organization.
All donations are tax-deductible.
Small donations fund large programs.
Large donations lay the ground work for new programs.
Ongoing donations means young Haitians can receive uninterrupted education.
Current Scholarship Recipients
Berlange – Education
Bruce – Electromechanics
James Andy – Electromechanics
Jeff – Agronomy
Yuvans – Nursing
Wensia – Education
Rebecca – Telecommunications
Modelaire – Business Administration
Edmundo – Nursing